
Juan Fernández-Armesto


Juan Fernández-Armesto es árbitro independiente. Ha sido Presidente de la Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores española (CNMV) (1996-2000), socio de Uría Menéndez (1983-1996) y Catedrático de Derecho Mercantil de la Universidad Pontificia Comillas – ICADE, Madrid (1988-2009).

Experiencia como árbitro

Desde 2001 su actividad profesional se circunscribe a actuar como árbitro en procedimientos internos e internacionales. En esta capacidad ha intervenido como presidente del Tribunal, co-árbitro o árbitro único en más de 200 arbitrajes comerciales, de construcción y de inversión.

Se adjunta una lista con una descripción detallada de cada uno de los casos en los que ha actuado.

Arbitrajes comerciales y de construcción

Juan Fernández-Armesto ha actuado como árbitro en más de 125 arbitrajes comerciales, en disputas surgidas de contratos de compraventa de empresas (falsedad de las garantías, ajustes de precio, problemas contables), de acuerdos parasociales entre accionistas, de contratos de agencia y distribución, de la extinción de joint ventures, de contratos financieros, bancarios, de fijación del precio del gas y otros contratos mercantiles.

También ha actuado como árbitro en diversos arbitrajes de construcción, relacionados con presas, centrales eléctricas, gasoductos y oleoductos, plantas llave en mano y otros proyectos de infraestructuras.

Los arbitrajes comerciales y de construcción en los que ha participado incluyen más de 100 casos administrados por la CCI, además de casos administrados por la AAA, LCIA, VIAC, DIAC y procedimientos ad hoc bajo el Reglamento UNCITRAL.

Arbitrajes de inversión

Juan Fernández-Armesto también actúa como árbitro en arbitrajes de inversión, en los que ha sido nombrado árbitro en más de 60 procedimientos, en su mayoría como Presidente del Tribunal Arbitral o del Comité de Anulación. Las decisiones públicas en estos procedimientos se pueden consultar en el apartado de “Laudos y otras decisiones públicas” de la página web  www.jfarmesto.com

Cargos de naturaleza pública

En octubre de 1996 fue designado por el Consejo de Ministros como Presidente de la Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (CNMV), el supervisor de los mercados de valores españoles.

Como Presidente de la CNMV presidió las actuaciones del Consejo de la Comisión en más de 200 expedientes disciplinarios, juzgando comportamientos relacionados con el mercado de valores.

En 2011 fue designado Vice-Presidente de la Sala de Recurso Conjunta de las Autoridades Supervisoras Europeas (ESMA, EBA y EIOPA), el tribunal que decide los recursos contra las decisiones de los supervisores bancario, de valores y de seguros de la Unión Europea.

Experiencia profesional y académica

Entre 1983 y 1996 Juan Fernández-Armesto fue socio del despacho de abogados Uría Menéndez.  En 1993 pasó a dirigir el departamento de derecho procesal y arbitraje y por aquel entonces actuó como abogado en más de 40 arbitrajes, internos e internacionales.

En 1978 comenzó a impartir clases de Derecho Mercantil en la Universidad Pontificia Comillas – ICADE, como Profesor Adjunto.  En 1988 fue designado Profesor Ordinario y posteriormente Catedrático de dicha Universidad, donde ha impartido clases hasta el año 2009.

Curriculum vitae

De nacionalidad española, nacido en Nueva York en 1953, cursó el bachillerato en Bonn (Alemania) y en Madrid, donde en 1972 obtuvo el título de Abitur. Realizó sus estudios universitarios en ICADE, Madrid, licenciándose en Derecho en 1977 y en Ciencias Empresariales en 1978.  En 1983 obtuvo el título de Doctor en Derecho en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (sobresaliente cum laude), defendiendo una tesis doctoral sobre créditos documentarios.

Bilingüe castellano-alemán; inglés; portugués y conocimientos de francés.

Cortes de arbitraje y asociaciones profesionales

  • Miembro del Panel de Árbitros de CIETAC desde 2021.
  • Vice-Presidente de la ICCA (2019-2021).
  • Presidente del Club Español del Arbitraje (2017- 2020).
  • Miembro de la Corte de la LCIA (2015-2020).
  • Miembro del Panel de CIADI designado por el Reino de España (2010-2016).
  • Vice-Presidente del Comité de Arbitraje de la International Bar Association (2008-2009).
  • Miembro del Panel de Árbitros de la CIMA desde 2003.
  • Miembro del Panel de Árbitros de BAC/BIAC desde 2021.
  • Miembro del Centro Nacional e Internacional de Arbitraje de la CCL (2022-2023).

Libros, artículos y conferencias

Juan Fernández-Armesto ha publicado dos libros, varios capítulos en obras colectivas y numerosos artículos jurídicos y periodísticos, y ha participado como orador en más de doscientos actos públicos.

Una lista completa de sus artículos y el texto de muchos de ellos pueden consultarse accediendo al área de “Publicaciones y conferencias” de www.jfarmesto.com

Junio 2024.

Lista de arbitrajes en los que Juan Fernández-Armesto ha participado como árbitro desde 2001.

Ver anexo con descripción detallada de cada uno de los casos en los que ha actuado.

Arbitrajes comerciales



Encavis and others vs. Italian Republic, chairman (co-arbitrators: W. Miles QC and A. Mourre), (Administrative Secretary: A. Briones), ICSID Case No. ARB/20/39, investment arbitration, English language. Counsel to Claimants: King & Spalding. Counsel to Respondent: Avvocatura dello Stato and Ministero degli Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione Internazionale, (2021).


French Oil & Gas Company v. Southeast Asian State, chairman (co-arbitrators: M. Pryles AO and Z. Douglas QC), (Administrative Secretary: F. Aragón), ad hoc arbitration, concession agreements, municipal law, English language. Counsel to Claimants: Three Crowns LLP. Counsel to Respondents: Foley Hoag LLP and Watson Farley & Williams LTD, (2020).



Arab Company and National vs. Arab State, chairman (co-arbitrators: C. Poncet and N. G. Ziadé), (Administrative Secretary: S. de Sampaio Jalles), ICC, investment arbitration under OIC Investment Agreement, administered by ICC, English language. Counsel to Claimants: DLA Piper and Dr. Ioannis Konstantinidis. Counsel to Respondent: Mr. Christopher Harris QC and Squire Patton Boggs, (2020).


Chinese Company and Brazilian Companies vs. Brazilian citizens, chairman (co-arbitrators: E. Zuleta and C. A. Carmona), (Administrative Secretary: F. Seara Cardoso), ICC, share purchase agreement, Brazilian law, English language. Counsel to Claimants: Linklaters LLP; Lefosse Advogados. Counsel to Respondents: Cescon, Barrieu, Flesch & Barreto Advogados; Baker Botts, (2020).


JSC DTEK Krymenergo v. The Russian Federation, chairman (co-arbitrators: J. William Rowley QC and Vladimir Pavić), investment arbitration under BIT, UNCITRAL Rules, administered by the PCA, English language. Counsel to Claimant: Covington & Burling LLP; Counsel to Respondent: Houthoff Coöperatief U.A., Schellenberg Wittmer LTD and Ivanyan & Partners, (2020).


Patel Engineering Limited v. The Republic of Mozambique, chairman (co-arbitrators: G. Santiago Tawil and H. Perezcano Díaz), (Administrative Secretary: S. de Sampaio Jalles), investment arbitration under BIT, UNCITRAL Rules, administered by the PCA, English language. Counsel to Claimant: Addleshaw Goddard LLP, Miranda & Associados and Pimenta & Associados; Counsel to Respondent: Dorsey & Whitney LLP, (2020).


Enel Fortuna S.A. v. Republic of Panama, chairman (co-arbitrators: F. González de Cossío, G. Griffith QC), (Assistant to the Tribunal: A. Jankowski), ICSID Case No. ARB/19/5, investment arbitration under BIT, English language. Counsel to Claimant: Clifford Chance; Counsel to Respondent: Arnold & Porter Kaye Scholer, (2020).




LSG Building Solutions GmbH and others vs. Romania, chairman, (co-arbitrators: O. T. Johnson Jr. and P.M. Dupuy,), (Assistant to the Tribunal: S. de Sampaio Jalles), ICSID Case No. ARB/18/19, Energy Charter Treaty, English language. Counsel to Claimants: King & Spalding; Counsel to Respondent: Curtis, Mallet-Prevost, Colt & Mosle, (2019).


Carlyle Group and others. vs. Kingdom of Morocco, chairman (co-arbitrators: H. Grigera Naon and S. Wordsworth), (Assistant to the Tribunal: F. Seara Cardoso), ICSID Case No. ARB/18/29, US-Morocco Free-Trade Agreement, English language. Counsel to Claimants: Weil, Gotshal & Manges. Counsel to Respondent: Christopher Harris Q.C., (2019).


Dick Fernando Abanto Ishivata vs. Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, chairman (co-arbitrators: H. Grigera Naón and S. Torres Bernárdez), ICSID Case No. ARB(AF)/18/6, investment arbitration under BIT, Spanish language. Counsel to Claimant: Freshfields, Bruckhaus, Deringer and Dechamps International Law. Counsel to Respondent: Guglielmino Derecho Internacional, (2019).


Shokat Mohammed Dalal vs. United Arab Emirates, chairman (co-arbitrators: S. Alexandrov and T. Landau), (Assistant to the Tribunal: A. Jankowski), ICSID Case No. ARB/19/10, investment arbitration under BIT, English language. Counsel to Claimant: Shardul Amarchand Mangaldas & Co. Counsel to Respondent: Allen & Overy.


Brazilian Company vs. Brazilian Companies, chairman (co-arbitrators: A. Schreiber and J. E. Nunes Pinto), (Administrative Secretary: S. de Sampaio Jalles), ICC, share purchase agreement, Brazilian law, Portuguese language. Counsel to Claimant: Mattos Filho, Veiga Filho, Marrey Jr. e Quiroga Advogados; Ferro, Castro Neves, Daltro & Gomide Advogados; Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale and Dorr; King & Spalding. Counsel to Respondent 1: E. Munhoz Advogados; Lefosse Advogados; Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer. Counsel to Respondent 2: Bichara Advogados; White & Case, (2019).


Russian Company vs. Latin American State Entity, chairman (co-arbitrators: G. Tawil and A. Mourre), (Administrative Secretary: F. Aragón), CAM Santiago, hydroelectric-construction contract, English and Spanish language. Counsel to Claimant: Freshfields; Counsel to Respondent: In-house counsel, State Attorney’s Office and Baker Botts, (2019).


Mauritian Company vs. BVI and Mauritian Companies, chairman (co-arbitrators: P. Friedland and A. Soveral Martins), (Administrative Secretary: S. de Sampaio Jalles), ICC, shareholders agreement, law of African Republic, English language. Counsel to Claimant: Sullivan & Cromwell; Counsel to Respondent: Mayer Brown International LLP, T&C Mayer Brown (2019).




Russian Company vs. Eastern European State, chairman (co-arbitrators: S. Alexandrov and B. Stern), (Administrative Secretary: Baptista), UNCITRAL, investment arbitration under multilateral treaty, English language. Counsel to Claimant: Baker & McKenzie; Counsel to Respondent: White & Case, (2018).


Gramercy Funds Management LLC and Gramercy Peru Holdings LLC vs. Republic of Peru; chairman (co-arbitrators: S. Drymer and B. Stern), (Assistant to the Tribunal: Baptista), UNCITRAL administered by ICSID, investment arbitration under TPA USA-Peru; English and Spanish languages. Counsel to Claimant: Debevoise & Plimpton; Rodrigo, Elias & Medrano. Counsel to Respondent: White & Case, (2018).


EdenredA. vs. Hungary, chairman (co-arbitrators: F. Orrego Vicuña (+) / P.-Y. Tschanz and C. von Wobeser), (Assistant to the Tribunal: B. McDonnell), ICSID, revision of investment arbitration award rendered in 2016, English language. Counsel to Applicant: Horváth & Partners DLA Piper; Counsel to Respondent: Hogan Lovells, (2018).


Svenska Hadelsbanken, Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken, Swedbank and Nordea vs. The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA), Vice-President of the Joint Board of Appeal of the European Supervisory Authorities; Counsel to Appellants: i) Svenska Handelsbanken: Roschier; ii) Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken: Allen & Overy; iii) Nordea Bank: Linklaters; iv) Swedbank: Gernandt & Danielsson; Counsel to Respondent: Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton, (2018).


Luxembourg Holding Company vs. Luxembourg Holding Company, chairman (co-arbitrators: A. Hierro and D. Arias), (Administrative Secretary: S. de Sampaio Jalles), ICC, share purchase agreement, Portuguese law, English language. Counsel to Claimant: PLMJ Advogados; Counsel to Respondent: Morais Leitão, Galvão Teles, Soares da Silva & Associados, (2018).


International Construction Company vs. Central American Public Agency, chairman (co-arbitrators: H. Grigera Naón and J. E. Nunes Pinto), (Administrative Secretary: K. Baptista until August 2018 and M. Riofrio from August 2018), ICC, construction contract, law of Central American Republic, Spanish language. Counsel to Claimant: In-house, Derains & Gharavi; Counsel to Respondent: In-house, (2018).


Private Companies and Individuals vs. Brazilian Entity, chairman (co-arbitrators: S. K. Chermont de Britto and N. C. da Silva Flores), (Administrative Secretary: S. de Sampaio Jalles), ICC, settlement agreement, Brazilian law, Portuguese language. Counsel to Claimant: Didier, Sodré & Rosa; Shearman & Sterling; Herbert Smith Freehills; In-house. Counsel to Respondent: Tozzini Freire Advogados; Siqueira, Bottrel, Almeida e Silva Advogados; Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton, (2018).


Spanish Company vs. English Company, President (co-arbitrators: F. Gómez Pomar and J. A. Caínzos), (Administrative Secretary: L. F. Rodríguez), CAM, share purchase agreement, Spanish Law, Spanish language. Counsel to Claimant: Cuatrecasas Gonçalves Pereira; Counsel to Respondent: Baker & McKenzie Barcelona, (2018).




Central European Company vs. Central European State, chairman (co-arbitrators: Wirth and T. Sójka), (Assistant to the Tribunal: L. F. Rodríguez), UNCITRAL, PCA, BIT-based arbitration, gambling industry, English language, (2017).


FinancialCraft Analytics Sp. z o.o. (formerly named Global Rating Sp. z o.o.) vs. The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA), Vice President of the Joint Board of Appeal of the European Supervisory Authorities, appeal of a decision of ESMA under Article 60(4) of Regulation (EU) No. 1095/2010, English language, (2017).


Anglo-Adriatic Group Limited vs. Republic of Albania, chairman (co-arbitrators: G. von Segesser and B. Stern), (Assistant to the Tribunal: L. F. Rodríguez), ICSID Case No. ARB/17/6, investment arbitration under BIT, English language, (2017).


DP World Limited vs. Kingdom of Belgium, chairman (co-arbitrators: B. Stern and S. Alexandrov), ICSID Case No. ARB/17/21, investment arbitration under BIT, English language, (2017).


Pawlowski AG and Project Sever s.r.o. vs. Czech Republic, chairman (co-arbitrators: J. Beechey and V. Lowe), (Assistant to the Tribunal: K. Baptista), ICSID Case No. ARB/17/11, investment arbitration under BIT, English language, (2017).


Lebanese Bank vs. Several Borrowers, chairman (co-arbitrators: S. Prevezer and T. Baloch), (Administrative Secretary: K. Baptista), LCIA, loan agreement, English law, English language, (2017).


Oil and Gas Company vs. African State-Owned Entity, chairman (co-arbitrators: E. Damião Gonçalves and J. E. Nunes Pinto), (Administrative Secretary: S. de Sampaio Jalles), UNCITRAL (ICC), production sharing contract, Portuguese language, (2017).


Spanish Temporary Union of Companies vs. Spanish State-Owned Company, co-arbitrator (chairman: J. Mairata Laviña; co-arbitrator: E. Benito Sancho), Corte Civil y Mercantil de Arbitraje, construction contract, Spanish law, Spanish language, (2017).


Chilean Company v. Chilean and Italian Companies, chairman (co-arbitrators: O. Garibaldi and A. Fermandois), (Administrative Secretary: F. Seara Cardoso), ICC, construction contract, Chilean law, Spanish language, (2017).


Togolese and Luxembourg Companies vs. Dutch and Luxembourg Companies, co-arbitrator designated by Claimant (chairman: H. Alvarez; co-arbitrator: H. Heilbron), ICC, share purchase agreement, English law, English language, (2017).




Andrus Kluge, Boris Belyaev, Radio Elektroniks OÜ and Timur Dyakov vs. European Banking Authority (EBA), Vice President of the Joint Board of Appeal of the European Supervisory Authorities, appeal of a decision of EBA under Article 60 (1) of Regulation (EU) No. 1093/2010, English language, (2016).


Cyprus Investor vs. Eastern European State, chairman (co-arbitrators: S. Alexandrov and M. Kohen), (Assistant to the Tribunal: Jankowski), UNCITRAL, investment arbitration under BIT, English language, (2016).


Turkish Investor vs. North African State, chairman (co-arbitrators: P. Mayer and G. Khairallah), (Administrative Secretary: K. Baptista), ICC, investment arbitration under BIT, English language, (2016).


Lion Mexico Consolidated LoP. vs. United Mexican States, chairman (co-arbitrators: D. J. A. Cairns and L. Boisson), (Assistant to the Tribunal: Jankowski), ICSID Case No. ARB(AF)/15/2, investment arbitration under NAFTA, English language, (2016).


Glencore International A.G. y C.I. Prodeco S.A. vs. Republic of Colombia, chairman (co-arbitrators: O. Garibaldi and C. Thomas), (Assistant to the Tribunal: K. Baptista), ICSID Case No. ARB/16/6, investment arbitration under BIT, English language, 2016).


Spanish Company and Colombian Company vs. Colombian Consortium, two Korean Companies and a Spanish Company, co-arbitrator (chairman: J. Jiménez Gutiérrez; co‑arbitrator: F. de Vivero), ICC, construction agreement, Colombian law, Spanish language, (2016).


Auditing Firm (Belgium) vs. Certain Individuals (Italy), chairman (co-arbitrators: P. Hollander and L. Lévy), (Administrative Secretary: Villanúa), ICC, Belgian law, English language, (2016).


UAE Investor vs. Brazilian Investors, chairman (co-arbitrators: P. Batista Martins and V. Galíndez), (Administrative Secretary: S. de Sampaio Jalles), ICC, shareholders agreement relating to a major construction project, Brazilian law, English language, (2016).


Mining Company vs. International Supplier, co-arbitrator (chairman: D. Arias; co‑arbitrator: E. Zuleta-Jaramillo), Cámara de Comercio de Lima, construction dispute, Peruvian law, English language, (2016).


Oil Refinery vs. Engineering and Construction Company, chairman (co-arbitrators: A. Jana and Sir V. Ramsey), (Administrative Secretary: D. Villanúa; Deputy Administrative Secretary: Jankowski), ICC, engineering, procurement and construction agreement, law of the State of New York and law of a South American country, English language, (2016).


Latin American Telecom Provider vs. Latin American National Regulatory Authority, chairman (co-arbitrators: B. Sepúlveda and F. Cantuarias), Centro Internacional de Arbitraje y Mediación (CIAM), domestic arbitration, concession agreement, Spanish language, (2016).




Onix Asigurari S.A. vs. European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA), Vice President of the Joint Board of Appeal of the European Supervisory Authorities, appeal of a decision of EIOPA under Article 60 (1) of Regulation (EU) No. 1094/2010, English language, (2015).


PT Ventures, SGPS, S.A. vs. Republic of Cabo Verde, chairman, ICSID Case No. ARB/15/12, investment arbitration under BIT, Portuguese language, (2015).


Álvarez y Marín Corporación S.A. and others vs. Republic of Panamá, chairman, ICSID Case No. ARB/15/14, investment arbitration under BIT and FTA, Spanish language, (2015).


Sterling Merchant Finance Ltd. vs. Government of the Republic of Cape Verde, sole arbitrator, UNCITRAL, PCA, services agreement, English language, (2015).


Western European Gas Company vs. Eastern European Gas Company, co-arbitrator, ICC, price revision under gas sale and purchase agreement, Swiss law, English language, (2015).


Peruvian Company vs. Peruvian and Colombian Companies, chairman, ICC, turnkey construction contract, Peruvian law, Spanish language, (2015).


International Construction Company vs. Central American Public Agency, chairman (co-arbitrators: H. Grigera Naón and J. E. Nunes Pinto), (Administrative Secretary: F. Seara Cardoso), ICC, construction contract, law of Central American Republic, Spanish language; Counsel to Claimant: In-house, Derains & Gharavi and White & Case; Counsel to Respondent: In-house and Bofill Mir & Alvarez Jana Abogados, (2015).


Ecuadorian Sellers vs. Buyer and Related Companies (Spanish and Ecuadorian), chairman, ICC, share purchase agreement, Ecuadorian law, Spanish language, (2015).


Mexican Consortium vs. Mexican State-Owned Corporation, chairman, ICC, public service construction agreement, Mexican law, Spanish language, (2015).


PT Ventures, SGPS, S.A. (Portugal) República de Cabo Verde (Cabo Verde) vs. Cabo Verde Telecom, S.A. (Cabo Verde), chairman, ICC, shareholders’ agreement, Portuguese language, (2015).


Spanish Company vs. Dutch Company et al., co-arbitrator, ICC, share purchase agreement, Spanish law, English language, (2015).




Edenred S.A. vs. Hungary, chairman, ICSID Case No. ARB/13/21, investment arbitration under BIT, English language, (2014).


European Company vs. European Republic, chairman, ICC, investment arbitration under BIT, English language, (2014).


SV Capital OÜ vs. European Banking Authority (EBA), II, Vice President of the Joint Board of Appeal of the European Supervisory Authorities, appeal of a decision of EBA under Article 60 (1) of Regulation (EU) No. 1093/2010, English language, (2014).


Investor Protection Europe sprl vs. European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA), Vice President of the Joint Board of Appeal of the European Supervisory Authorities, appeal of a decision of ESMA under Article 60 (1) of Regulation (EU) No. 1095/2010, English language, (2014).


Cyprus Popular Bank Public Co. Ltd. vs. Hellenic Republic, chairman, ICSID Case No. ARB/14/16, investment arbitration under BIT, English language, (2014).


Highbury International AVV, Compañía Minera de Bajo Caroní AVV, and Ramstein Trading Inc. vs. Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, chairman, ICSID Case No. ARB/14/10, investment arbitration under BIT, Spanish language, (2014).


Spanish Company vs. Portuguese Company, chairman, Corte de Arbitraje de Madrid, sale in the solar energy sector, Spanish law and language, (2014).


Iberian Law Firm vs. Partner, chairman, Corte de Arbitraje de Madrid, dispute arising out of by-laws, Spanish law and language, (2014).


Brazilian Company, Chilean Company and Spanish Company vs. Peruvian Company, co-arbitrator, ICC, dispute arising out of shareholders’ agreement under Peruvian law, Spanish language, (2014).


European Companies vs. European State-Owned Entities and European Companies, chairman, UNCITRAL Rules, share purchase agreement in the aluminium sector, English language, (2014).


Swiss Bank vs. Dutch Bank, chairman, ICC, sale and purchase in the banking sector, Dutch law, English language, (2014).


International Oil Company vs. South American National Oil Company, chairman, CIAC, adjustment of contractual royalties, Spanish language, (2014).


State Owned Oil and Gas Company vs. Agency of a State, chairman, ICC, concession agreement, Portuguese language, (2014).


European Republic vs. Private Companies, chairman, ICC, privatization in the ship building sector, English language, (2014).




Rusoro Mining Ltd vs. Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, chairman, ICSID Case No. ARB(AF)/12/5, investment arbitration under BIT, English and Spanish languages, (2013).


SV Capital OÜ vs. European Banking Authority, Vice President of the Joint Board of Appeal of the European Supervisory Authorities, appeal of a decision of EBA under Article 60 (1) of Regulation (EU) No. 1093/2010, English language, (2013).


Tenaris S.A. and Talta – Trading e Marketing Sociedade Unipessoal Lda. vs. Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, chairman, ICSID Case No. ARB/12/23, investment arbitration under BIT, English and Spanish languages, (2013).


Global Private Rating Company “Standard Rating” Ltd. vs. European Securities and Markets Authority, Vice President of the Joint Board of Appeal of the European Supervisory Authorities, appeal of a decision of ESMA under Article 60 (1) of Regulation (EU) Nº 1095/2010, English language, (2013).


Eastern European Distributor vs. Spanish Automobile Company, co-arbitrator, VIAC, distributorship agreement, Spanish law, English language, (2013).


Spanish Bottled Water Company vs. Spanish Bank, chairman, Corte de Arbitraje de Madrid, financial derivatives contract, Spanish law and language, (2013).


Spanish Insurance Company vs. Spanish Banks, co-arbitrator, CIMA, insurance joint venture agreement, Spanish law and language, (2013).


Angolan Company vs. US Group, co-arbitrator, ICC, service agreement in the oil industry, Angolan law, English language, (2013).


Foreign Investor vs. Public Entity of a Central American Republic, chairman, ICC, joint venture in the electricity market, Spanish language, (2013).


Spanish Gas Producer vs. Italian Gas Producer, co-arbitrator, ICC, shareholders agreement, Spanish law, English language, (2013).


Investors in the Electrical Market vs. Public Entity of an American Republic, co-arbitrator, ICC, investment in the electric sector, Spanish language, (2013).


Private Companies vs. European Republic, chairman, ICC, privatization in the ship building sector, English language, (2013).




OI European Group B.V. vs. Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, chairman, ICSID Case No. ARB/11/25, investment arbitration under BIT, Spanish and English languages, (2012).


Netherlands Investor vs. Government of Cuba and Public Cuban Company, co-arbitrator designated by Claimant, ICC, investment arbitration under BIT, (2012).


Caratube International Oil Company LLP Republic of Kazakhstan, President of the Annulment Committee, ICSID Case No. ARB/08/12, English language, (2012).


Occidental Petroleum Corporation and Occidental Exploration and Production Company vs. Republic of Ecuador, President of the Annulment Committee, ICSID Case No. ARB/06/11, English and Spanish languages, (2012).


Spanish Company vs. Spanish Company, chairman, CIMA, construction and development agreement, Spanish law and language, (2012).


Spanish Company vs. Spanish Bank, chairman, Corte de Arbitraje de Madrid, financial derivatives contract, Spanish law and language, (2012).


Two United Arab Emirates Companies vs. United Arab Emirates Company, chairman, DIAC, construction and development agreements, Dubai and UAE laws, English language, (2012).


Brazilian Company vs. Brazilian Company, chairman, ICC, supply agreement, Brazilian law, Portuguese language, (2012).


Middle Eastern Pipeline Operator vs. Middle Eastern Gas Producer and Middle Eastern Buyer of Gas, chairman, ICC, gas supply and purchase agreement, English law and language, (2012).


Spanish Bank vs. Spanish Company, sole arbitrator, ad hoc, financial derivatives contract, Spanish law and language, (2012).


Bolivian Company vs. Mexican Company and its Mexican parent Company, chairman, IACAC, shareholders agreement, Bolivian law, Spanish language, (2012).


Ecuadorian Company vs. Ecuadorian Public Company, chairman, ICC, public service concession agreement, Ecuadorian law, Spanish language, (2012).


Finnish Company EU State, co-arbitrator, UNCITRAL, transfer of technology and know-how in connection with the manufacture of armored vehicles, law of the Respondent State, English language, (2012).


Portuguese Subcontractor vs. Portuguese Contractor, co-arbitrator, ICC, construction agreement, Portuguese law, English language, (2012).




Astaldi S.p.A. vs. Republic of Honduras, President of the Annulment Committee, ICSID Case No. ARB/07/32, Spanish language, (2011).


Flughafen Zürich A.G. and Gestión e Ingeniería IDC S.A. vs. Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, chairman, ICSID Case No. ARB/10/19, investment arbitration under BIT, Spanish language, (2011).


Shell Nigeria Ultra Deep Limited (SNUD) vs. Federal Republic of Nigeria, chairman, ICSID Case No ARB/07/18, investment arbitration under BIT, English language, (2011).


Greek Company vs. French Company, chairman, ICC, pharmaceutical contract, French law, English language, (2011).


Dutch Gas Company vs. German Gas Buyer, chairman, UNCITRAL, gas supply agreement, Dutch law, German language, (2011).


Spanish Companies vs. Spanish Bank, chairman, Corte de Arbitraje de Madrid, financial derivatives contracts, Spanish law and language, (2011).


British Company vs. Spanish Company, co-arbitrator, ICC, supply agreement, Spanish law, language to be determined, (2011).


Belgian Company vs. German Company, chairman, ICC, supply agreement, German law, English language, (2011).


Guatemalan Company vs. German Company, chairman, ICC, agency agreement, law to be determined, English language, (2011).


Spanish Company vs. Spanish Company, co-arbitrator, Corte de Arbitraje de Madrid, share purchase agreement, Spanish law and language, (2011).


Polish Company vs. two Russian Companies, co-arbitrator, UNCITRAL, gas supply agreement, law to be determined, English language, (2011).


Romanian Company vs. Italian Company and Dutch holding, co-arbitrator, ICC, privatization agreements, Romanian law, English language, (2011).




Abengoa, S.A. and Cofides, S.A. vs. United Mexican States, co-arbitrator, designated by Claimant, ICSID Case No. ARB(AF)/09/2, investment arbitration under BIT, Spanish language, (2010).


ATA Construction, Industrial and Trading Company vs. Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, Member of Annulment Committee, ICSID Case No. ARB/08/2, English language, (2010).


Spanish Listed Financial Institution vs. Spanish Financial Institution, chairman, Corte de Arbitraje de Madrid, joint venture agreement, Spanish law and language, (2010).


State-Owned Corporation vs. Sovereign State of the EU, chairman, ICC, purchase agreement in the defence sector, English language, (2010).


Peruvian Company vs. American Company, co-arbitrator, Corte de Arbitraje de Madrid, shareholders’ agreement in the life insurance sector, amiable compositeur, Spanish language, (2010).


Spanish Listed Construction Company vs. Spanish Construction Company, chairman, Corte de Arbitraje de Madrid, construction and development agreements, Spanish law and language, (2010).


Spanish Company vs. two Spanish Companies and one Belgian Company, co-arbitrator, ICC, real estate contracts, Spanish law, English language, (2010).




Nova Scotia Power Incorporated vs. Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, chairman, PCA, investment arbitration under BIT, English language, (2009).


Spanish Investor vs. Cuba, co-arbitrator, designated by Claimant, ICC, investment arbitration under BIT, Spanish language, (2009).


Holcim Limited, Holderfin B.V. and Caricement B.V. Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, chairman, ICSID Case No. ARB/09/3, investment arbitration under BIT, English language, (2009).


Indian Buyer vs. Spanish Sellers, chairman, LCIA, share purchase agreement in the construction sector, Spanish law, English language, (2009).


Spanish Sellers vs. Spanish Buyer, co-arbitrator, Corte de Arbitraje de Madrid, share purchase agreement, Spanish law and language, (2009).


Spanish Subsidiary of Private Equity Fund vs. Sister Company of the same Private Equity Fund, adjudicator, ad hoc, termination of joint venture, Spanish law, English language, (2009).


Spanish Buyers vs. German and Spanish Sellers, co-arbitrator, ICC, share purchase agreement in the leasing sector, Spanish law, English language, (2009).


Argentinean Company vs. French Company, chairman, ICC, machinery supply agreement, French and Argentinean law, English language, (2009).


Dutch Subsidiary of Mexican Company vs. Austrian Company, co-arbitrator, ICC, share purchase agreement in the construction sector, Austrian law, English language, (2009).

Spanish Listed Utility vs. Spanish Subsidiary of German Listed Company, co-arbitrator, ad hoc, termination of joint venture agreement in the electricity sector, Spanish law and language, (2009).




TCW Group, Inc. and Dominican Energy Holdings The Dominican Republic, co-arbitrator, designated by Respondent, UNCITRAL, investment arbitration under CAFTA, English language, (2008).


German Buyer vs. Spanish Sellers, co-arbitrator, ICC, share purchase agreement, Spanish law, English language, (2008).


Dutch Subsidiary of Portuguese Company Portuguese Listed Company, chairman, ICC, share purchase agreement, Portuguese law and language, (2008).


Uruguayan Association vs. Financial Company, chairman, ICC, sale of investment funds, Uruguayan law, Spanish language, (2008).


Brazilian Buyer vs. Brazilian and US Sellers, chairman, ICC, share purchase agreement, Brazilian law, Portuguese language, (2008).


Spanish Sellers vs. Norwegian Buyer, co-arbitrator, Tribunal Arbitral de Barcelona, share purchase agreement, Spanish law and language, (2008).


Spanish Buyer vs. Spanish / UK Listed Company, co-arbitrator, ICC, share purchase agreement, Spanish law and language, (2008).


Spanish Sellers vs. Spanish Utility, co-arbitrator, CIMA, sale of wind farm, Spanish law and language, (2008).


Spanish Seller vs. Spanish Buyer, sole arbitrator, Corte Española de Arbitraje, share purchase agreement, Spanish law and language, (2008).


French Listed Company vs. Spanish Shipping Company, co-arbitrator, ICC, share purchase agreement in the shipping sector, Spanish law, English language, (2008).


Spanish Sellers vs. Spanish Buyer, co-arbitrator, ad hoc, share purchase agreement, Spanish law and language, (2008).




Tza Yap Shum vs. Republic of Peru, co-arbitrator, designated by Respondent, ICSID Case No. ARB/07/6, investment arbitration under BIT, Spanish language, (2007).


Joseph Charles Lemire vs. Ukraine, chairman, ICSID Case No. ARB/06/18, investment arbitration under BIT, English language, (2007).


City Oriente Limited vs. Republic of Ecuador and Empresa Estatal Petróleos del Ecuador (Petroecuador), chairman, ICSID CaseARB/06/21, under investment contract, Spanish language, (2007).


Vito G. Gallo vs. Government of Canada, chairman, UNCITRAL, PCA, investment arbitration under NAFTA, English language, (2007).


Spanish Construction Company vs. Spanish Subsidiary of Italian Company, chairman, Corte de Arbitraje de Madrid, construction agreement, Spanish law and language, (2007).


Spanish Listed Company vs. International Insurance Company, co-arbitrator, ad hoc, insurance claim, Spanish law and language, (2007).


Gibraltar Company vs. Spanish Football Club, co-arbitrator, ICC, joint venture agreement, Spanish law and language, (2007).


Spanish Company vs. French Insurance Company, sole arbitrator, CIMA, insurance claim, Spanish law and language, (2007).


American Utility vs. Agency of Central American State, co-arbitrator, UNCITRAL, distribution of energy, law of El Salvador, English language, (2007).


Argentinean Company vs. German Company and Argentinean Subsidiary of German Company, chairman, ICC, joint venture agreement, extraordinary legislation, Argentinean law, Spanish language, (2007).




Banco Central do Brasil (Brasil) vs. Banco Central del Uruguay (Uruguay), chairman, arbitration between central banks under ALADI Rules, Spanish language, (2006).


Phoenix Action Ltd. vs. The Czech Republic, co-arbitrator, designated by Respondent, ICSID Case No. ARB/06/5, investment arbitration under BIT, English language, (2006).


Spanish Subsidiary of Portuguese Company vs. Spanish Subsidiary of Swedish Company, co-arbitrator, ICC, share purchase agreement, Spanish law and language, (2006).


Spanish Company vs. Spanish Utility, co-arbitrator, Corte de Arbitraje de Madrid, electricity distribution agreement, Spanish law and language, (2006).


British Company vs. State-Owned Company, chairman, ICC, construction agreement, expropriation, Iranian law / Sharia law, English language, (2006).


Luxembourg Company vs. Dutch Company, co-arbitrator, ICC, share purchase agreement, Spanish law, English language, (2006).

Spanish lawyer vs. Spanish law firm, chairman, ad hoc, partnership agreement, Spanish law and language, (2006).




Spanish Sellers vs. Spanish Subsidiary of Italian Buyer, chairman, ICC, share purchase agreement, Spanish law and language, (2005).


US Company vs. Spanish Company, co-arbitrator, ICC, joint venture agreement, Spanish law, English language, (2005).


International Construction Consortium vs. Colombian State-Owned Company, chairman, ICC, construction agreement, Colombian law, Spanish language, (2005).


Mexican Subsidiary of US Company vs. Mexican State-Owned Company, chairman, ICC, construction agreement, Mexican law, Spanish language, (2005).


Chilean Company vs. German Supplier, co-arbitrator, ICC, plant construction agreement, English language, (2005).


Argentinean Company vs. International Supplier, chairman, ICC, construction agreement, English language, (2005).


German Airplane Leasing Company vs. Mexican Lessor, chairman, ICC, aircraft lease agreements, German law, English language, (2005).


Spanish Insurance Company vs. UK Insurance Company, co-arbitrator, Corte de Arbitraje de Madrid, sale of insurance company, Spanish law and language, (2005).


Spanish Buyer vs. German Supplier, co-arbitrator, ICC, machinery supply agreement, Spanish law and language, (2005).


Spanish Seller vs. Spanish Buyer, co-arbitrator, LCIA, share purchase Agreement, Spanish law, English language, (2005).


Spanish Company vs. Spanish Gas Supplier, co-arbitrator, ad hoc, gas distribution agreement, determination of gas price, Spanish law and language, (2005).


Spanish Subsidiary of Italian Financial Company vs. Spanish Seller, co-arbitrator, ad hoc, share purchase agreement, Spanish law and language, (2005).




Unisys Corporation vs. Argentine Republic, chairman, ICSID Case No. ARB/03/27, investment arbitration under BIT, English language, (2004). (Suspended).


SAUR International vs. Argentine Republic, chairman, ICSID Case No. ARB/04/4, investment arbitration under BIT, Spanish language, (2004).


Private Equity Investors vs. Seller, co-arbitrator, ad hoc, share purchase agreement, Spanish law and language, (2004).


Luxembourg Bank Holding vs. Central European Republic, chairman, ICC, dispute arising from privatization of a bank, Austrian law, English language, (2004).


Spanish Real Estate Company vs. Spanish Construction Company, co-arbitrator, Corte de Arbitraje de Madrid, construction agreement, Spanish law and language, (2004).


Spanish Seller vs. United Kingdom Buyer, sole arbitrator, CIMA, share purchase agreement, Spanish law and language, (2004).


Brazilian Subsidiary of US Company vs. Brazilian Company, chairman, ICC, breach of shareholders’ agreement, Brazilian law, English language, (2004).


Private Equity Investors vs. Spanish Seller, co-arbitrator, Corte de Arbitraje de Madrid, share purchase agreement, Spanish law and language, (2004).




Canadian Company vs. Bolivian State Agency, chairman, UNCITRAL, construction agreement, Bolivian law, Spanish and English languages, (2003).


Omani Owner vs. Spanish Hotel Company, co-arbitrator, UNCITRAL, two hotel management agreements, Omani/Sharia law, English language, (2003).


Dutch Company vs. Spanish Distributor, co-arbitrator, ICC, distribution contract, Spanish law, English language, (2003).


Spanish Investor vs. Bolivian Company, co-arbitrator, ICC, joint venture agreement, Bolivian law, Spanish language, (2003).


Mexican Producer vs. US Distributor, co-arbitrator, AAA, distribution agreement, law of California, English language, (2003).


Spanish Company vs. Spanish Company, co-arbitrator, Corte de Arbitraje de Madrid, breach of joint venture agreement, competition law, Spanish law and language, (2003).


Spanish Construction Company vs. Spanish Owner, co-arbitrator, ad hoc, construction agreement, Spanish law and language, (2003).


Subsidiary of Italian Company vs. Spanish Company, co-arbitrator, ICC, gas distribution agreement, English language, (2003).




Cuban Companies vs. Mexican Bank, co-arbitrator, ICC, financial transaction, Mexican law, Spanish language, (2002).


French Hotel Chain vs. Spanish Owner, co-arbitrator, Corte de Arbitraje de Madrid, hotel management agreement, Spanish law and language, (2002).




Portuguese Buyer vs. French Seller, sole arbitrator, ICC, sale of machinery, Portuguese law, English language, (2001).


Spanish Company vs. two Spanish Companies, sole arbitrator, Corte de Arbitraje de Madrid, contract claim, Spanish law and language, (2001).


German Investor vs. Spanish Company and Spanish Individuals, co-arbitrator, ICC, joint venture agreement, Spanish law and language, (2001).


Austrian Seller vs. Spanish Buyer, co-arbitrator, ICC, sale of machinery for wind energy, Spanish law, English language, (2001).


Spanish Company vs. German Company, co-arbitrator, ICC, turnkey construction contract, Spanish law and language, (2001).


March 31, 2021.

Arbitrajes de inversión y de derecho público internacional


  • Unisys Corporation vs. Argentine Republic, chairman, ICSID Case No. ARB/03/27, investment arbitration under BIT, English language, (2004). (Suspended).
  • SAUR International vs. Argentine Republic, chairman, ICSID Case No. ARB/04/4, investment arbitration under BIT, Spanish language, (2004).


  • Banco Central do Brasil (Brasil) vs. Banco Central del Uruguay (Uruguay), chairman, arbitration between central banks under ALADI Rules, Spanish language, (2006).
  • Phoenix Action Ltd. vs. The Czech Republic, co-arbitrator, designated by Respondent, ICSID Case No. ARB/06/5, investment arbitration under BIT, English language, (2006).


  • Mr. Tza Yap Shum vs. Republic of Peru, co-arbitrator, designated by Respondent, ICSID Case No. ARB/07/6, investment arbitration under BIT, Spanish language, (2007).
  • Mr. Joseph Charles Lemire vs. Ukraine, chairman, ICSID Case No. ARB/06/18, investment arbitration under BIT, English language, (2007).
  • City Oriente Limited vs. Republic of Ecuador and Empresa Estatal Petróleos del Ecuador (Petroecuador), chairman, ICSID Case No. ARB/06/21, under investment contract, Spanish language, (2007).
  • Mr. Vito G. Gallo vs. Government of Canada, chairman, UNCITRAL, PCA, investment arbitration under NAFTA, English language, (2007).


  • TCW Group, Inc. and Dominican Energy Holdings vs. The Dominican Republic, co-arbitrator, designated by Respondent, UNCITRAL, investment arbitration under CAFTA, English language, (2008).


  • Nova Scotia Power Incorporated vs. Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, chairman, PCA, investment arbitration under BIT, English language, (2009).
  • Spanish Investor vs. Cuba, co-arbitrator, designated by Claimant, ICC, investment arbitration under BIT, Spanish language, (2009).
  • Holcim Limited, Holderfin B.V. and Caricement B.V. vs. Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, chairman, ICSID Case No. ARB/09/3, investment arbitration under BIT, English language, (2009).


  • Abengoa, S.A. and Cofides, S.A. vs. United Mexican States, co-arbitrator, designated by Claimant, ICSID Case No. ARB(AF)/09/2, investment arbitration under BIT, Spanish language, (2010).
  • ATA Construction, Industrial and Trading Company vs. Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, Member of Annulment Committee, ICSID Case No. ARB/08/2, English language, (2010).


  • Astaldi S.p.A. vs. Republic of Honduras, President of the Annulment Committee, ICSID Case No. ARB/07/32, Spanish language, (2011).
  • Flughafen Zürich A.G. and Gestión e Ingeniería IDC S.A. vs. Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, chairman, ICSID Case No. ARB/10/19, investment arbitration under BIT, Spanish language, (2011).
  • Shell Nigeria Ultra Deep Limited (SNUD) vs. Federal Republic of Nigeria, chairman, ICSID Case No ARB/07/18, investment arbitration under BIT, English language, (2011).


  • OI European Group B.V. vs. Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, chairman, ICSID Case No. ARB/11/25, investment arbitration under BIT, Spanish and English languages, (2012).
  • Netherlands Investor vs. Government of Cuba and Public Cuban Company, co-arbitrator designated by Claimant, ICC, investment arbitration under BIT, (2012).
  • Caratube International Oil Company LLP vs. Republic of Kazakhstan, President of the Annulment Committee, ICSID Case No. ARB/08/12, English language, (2012).
  • Occidental Petroleum Corporation and Occidental Exploration and Production Company vs. Republic of Ecuador, President of the Annulment Committee, ICSID Case No. ARB/06/11, English and Spanish languages, (2012).


  • Rusoro Mining Ltd vs. Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, chairman, ICSID Case No. ARB(AF)/12/5, investment arbitration under BIT, English and Spanish languages, (2013).
  • SV Capital OÜ vs. European Banking Authority, Vice President of the Joint Board of Appeal of the European Supervisory Authorities, appeal of a decision of EBA under Article 60 (1) of Regulation (EU) No. 1093/2010, English language, (2013).
  • Tenaris S.A. and Talta – Trading e Marketing Sociedade Unipessoal Lda. vs. Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, chairman, ICSID Case No. ARB/12/23, investment arbitration under BIT, English and Spanish languages, (2013).
  • Global Private Rating Company “Standard Rating” Ltd. vs. European Securities and Markets Authority, Vice President of the Joint Board of Appeal of the European Supervisory Authorities, appeal of a decision of ESMA under Article 60 (1) of Regulation (EU) Nº 1095/2010, English language, (2013).


  • Edenred S.A. vs. Hungary, chairman, ICSID Case No. ARB/13/21, investment arbitration under BIT, English language, (2014).
  • European Company vs. European Republic, chairman, ICC, investment arbitration under BIT, English language, (2014).
  • SV Capital OÜ vs. European Banking Authority (EBA), II, Vice President of the Joint Board of Appeal of the European Supervisory Authorities, appeal of a decision of EBA under Article 60 (1) of Regulation (EU) No. 1093/2010, English language, (2014).
  • Investor Protection Europe sprl vs. European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA), Vice President of the Joint Board of Appeal of the European Supervisory Authorities, appeal of a decision of ESMA under Article 60 (1) of Regulation (EU) No. 1095/2010, English language, (2014).
  • Cyprus Popular Bank Public Co. Ltd. vs. Hellenic Republic, chairman, ICSID Case No. ARB/14/16, investment arbitration under BIT, English language, (2014).
  • Highbury International AVV, Compañía Minera de Bajo Caroní AVV, and Ramstein Trading Inc. vs. Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, chairman, ICSID Case No. ARB/14/10, investment arbitration under BIT, Spanish language, (2014).


  • Onix Asigurari S.A. vs. European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA), Vice President of the Joint Board of Appeal of the European Supervisory Authorities, appeal of a decision of EIOPA under Article 60 (1) of Regulation (EU) No. 1094/2010, English language, (2015).
  • PT Ventures, SGPS, S.A. vs. Republic of Cabo Verde, chairman, ICSID Case No. ARB/15/12, investment arbitration under BIT, Portuguese language, (2015).
  • Álvarez y Marín Corporación S.A. and others vs. Republic of Panamá, chairman, ICSID Case No. ARB/15/14, investment arbitration under BIT and FTA, Spanish language, (2015).


  • Cyprus Investor vs. Eastern European State, chairman (co-arbitrators: S. Alexandrov and M. Clodfelter), UNCITRAL, investment arbitration under BIT, English language, (2016).
  • Turkish Investor vs. North African State, chairman (co-arbitrators: P. Mayer and G. Khairallah), ICC, investment arbitration under BIT, English language, (2016).
  • Lion Mexico Consolidated LoP. vs. United Mexican States, chairman (co-arbitrators: D. J. A. Cairns and R. Ramírez), ICSID Case No. ARB(AF)/15/2, investment arbitration under NAFTA, English language, (2016).
  • Glencore International A.G. y C.I. Prodeco S.A. vs. Republic of Colombia, chairman (co-arbitrators: O. Garibaldi and C. Thomas QC), ICSID Case No. ARB/16/6, investment arbitration under BIT, (2016).


  • Central European Company vs. Central European State, chairman (co-arbitrators: Markus Wirth and Tomasz Sójka), UNCITRAL, PCA, BIT-based arbitration, gambling industry, English language, (2017).
  • FinancialCraft Analytics Sp. z o.o. (formerly named Global Rating Sp. z o.o.) vs. The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA), Vice President of the Joint Board of Appeal of the European Supervisory Authorities, appeal of a decision of ESMA under Article 60(4) of Regulation (EU) No. 1095/2010, English language, (2017).
  • Anglo-Adriatic Group Limited vs. Republic of Albania, chairman (co-arbitrators: G. von Segesser and B. Stern), ICSID Case No. ARB/17/6, investment arbitration under BIT, English language, (2017).
  • DP World Limited v. Kingdom of Belgium, chairman (co-arbitrators: B. Stern and D. Williams), ICSID Case No. ARB/17/21, investment arbitration under BIT, English language, (2017).
  • Pawlowski AG and Project Sever s.r.o. v. Czech Republic, chairman (co-arbitrators: J. Beechey and V. Lowe), ICSID Case No. ARB/17/11, investment arbitration under BIT, English language, (2017).


  • Russian Company vs. Eastern European State, chairman (co-arbitrators: B. Stern and S. Alexandrov), UNCITRAL, investment arbitration under multilateral treaty, English language. Counsel to Claimant: Baker & McKenzie; Counsel to Respondent: White & Case. (2018).
  • Gramercy Funds Management LLC and Gramercy Peru Holdings LLC vs. Republic of Peru; chairman (co-arbitrators: S. Drymer and B. Stern), UNCITRAL administered by ICSID, investment arbitration under TPA USA-Peru; English and Spanish languages. Counsel to Claimant: Debevoise & Plimpton; Rodrigo, Elias & Medrano. Counsel to Respondent: White & Case. (2018).
  • Edenred S.A. vs. Hungary, chairman (co-arbitrators: F. Orrego Vicuña and C. von Wobeser), ICSID, revision of investment arbitration award rendered in 2016, English language. Counsel to Applicant: Horváth & Partners DLA Piper; Counsel to Respondent: Hogan Lovells. (2018).
  • Svenska Hadelsbanken, Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken, Swedbank and Nordea vs. The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA), Vice-President of the Joint Board of Appeal of the European Supervisory Authorities; Counsel to Appellants: i) Svenska Handelsbanken: Roschier; ii) Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken: Allen & Overy; iii) Nordea Bank: Linklaters; iv) Swedbank: Gernandt & Danielsson; Counsel to Respondent: Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton, (2018).


  • LSG Building Solutions GmbH and others vs. Romania, chairman, (co-arbitrators: P.M. Dupuy, O. T. Johnson Jr.), (Administrative Secretary: B. McDonnell), ICSID Case No. ARB/18/19, investment arbitration under the Energy Charter Treaty, English language. Counsel to Claimants: King & Spalding; Counsel to Respondent: Curtis, Mallet-Prevost, Colt & Mosle, (2019).
  • Carlyle Group and others. vs. Kingdom of Morocco, chairman (co-arbitrators: H. Grigera Naon and S. Wordsworth), (Assistant to the Tribunal: L. F. Rodriguez), ICSID Case No. ARB/18/29, US-Morocco Free-Trade Agreement, English language. Counsel to Claimants: Weil, Gotshal & Manges. Counsel to Respondent: Christopher Harris Q.C., (2019).


Juan Fernández-Armesto ha publicado varios libros y colaborado en obras colectivas:

    • El arbitraje comercial internacional
      Estudio de la Convención de Nueva York con motivo de su 50º aniversario
      Artículo II.3 La Remisión de las Partes al Arbitraje
      Coautores: Guido S. Tawil y Eduardo Zuleta
      Publicado: Buenos Aires, 2008
      Juan Fernández-Armesto contribuyó a la redacción del Artículo II.3: La Remisión de las Partes al Arbitraje.

    • El Gobierno de la Empresa
      La retribución de los consejeros
      Coordinado por: Eduardo Bueno Campos
      Publicado: Madrid, 2004
      Juan Fernández-Armesto contribuyó a la redacción del capítulo 11: La retribución de los consejeros.

    • El Derecho del Mercado Financiero
      Coautores: Luis de Carlos
      Publicado: Madrid, 1992
      Es el primer tratado escrito en España que cubre todo el derecho bancario y bursátil.


Artículos Científicos

Artículos Periodísticos

Otros Artículos


    • Jornadas de los Economistas
      Los retos de una economía integrada en el nuevo milenio.
      Organizado por: Colegio de los Economistas de Cataluña, Barcelona

    • Jornada de reflexión sobre
      Aspectos de la reforma en curso del régimen de los mercados de valores
      Organizado por: Universidad Antonio de Nebrija con la colaboración del despacho de Ramón y Cajal & Albella, Madrid

Los laudos y decisiones en arbitraje comercial no son públicos. Sin embargo, las decisiones y laudos emitidos en arbitraje de inversión son, a menudo, publicados por las partes. Los siguientes son algunos de los laudos y decisiones en cuya elaboración ha participado Juan Fernández-Armesto como Presidente o como miembro del Tribunal Arbitral que han sido publicados por las partes. El resto de decisiones no son públicas.
